Values-Driven Free
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most of every opportunity, each and every day.
Pick up these free books:

Free book (ebook or paperback; postage paid to US
addresses): The Gospel According to Jesus
Free ebook: Keys to Kingdom Expansion
Here are some parenting helps:
Core Value Behavioral Encouragement Chart: Don't just punish misbehavior;
instead, proactively encourage your kids to "do it God's way!" This chart can help. Includes chart template and
"Target Behaviors" listing.
(The Values-Driven Family focuses on the foundations of
parenting: training, encouragement, and discipline and discusses the "core value" method of Biblical instruction
and character training in greater detail.)
Related Blog Post: Encouraging Your Children with the Core Value Progress Chart

Core Values mini-poster: Selected Scriptures organized by core value character trait; post on the
fridge for quick reference! Choose KJV or NIV.
Plus, get an additional 8 free
gifts when you sign up for our periodic email
- Home Sweet Home: Creating a Joyful Home Atmosphere, one hour workshop
- "Children and Chores" tips and tools, including video and illustrated chore chart
- Set of 5 illustrated Bible memory verse mini-posters
- Homeschooling helps, including a Microsoft Excel gradebook/report card generator and book
excerpt from The Growing Homeschool
- ...and more! You'll automatically receive one gift per week for 8 weeks in your email inbox.
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You're sure to enjoy our bi-weekly newsletter. It includes an article or audio that is designed to be helpful,
practical, and encouraging and can relate to any aspect of family and Kingdom living, from home management to
discipleship or homeschooling.
>> CLICK HERE for a sample article. <<
As well, we try to provide you with occasional free downloads and sometimes recommend specific related
products that might be helpful for you in the particular area of interest.
We also send out occasional notice of special promotions or sales, or raffle/give-away opportunities. Our goal
is not to overload your inbox, but rather to allow people to take advantage of special pricing and purchase a
resource that they have been considering.

We hope the free resources are a blessing to you!
Marc and Cindy Carrier