Lessons Learned

I’ve been battling a urinary tract infection for the better part of the last two weeks. I know that those of you who have had one will sympathize (thanks!). I’ve been trying to get rid of it by drinking tons of water and taking my cranberry pills and echinacea. While this regimen normally works within a few days, and I wondered why this time it wasn’t doing its job, I stubbornly resisted medical intervention. Am I the only one who hates the doctor and really wants to avoid prescriptions?

Anyway, I finally went to Prompt Care last night. I actually enjoyed being out without the children for a few hours! However, even though the clinic closed at 8:00, I was there till almost 9:00–then had to wait at the pharmacy for my prescription. So it was almost 10:30 when I got home. As I walked up to the front door, my 9 year-old flew out of it, all talk about how Dad had just called the police to come and look for me, they expected me home a long time ago, and Grandpa wasn’t sure if he needed to worry.

Oh. my.

You see, my husband is in Georgia this week (having left just this morning). He has our one cell phone with him. Would I ever have thought to use a pay phone to call Grandpa, who was home with all the kids? Did I even know what time it was? (I can’t remember the last time I wore a watch!) My husband had called the Indiana state police about 20 minutes before I arrived home. He wasn’t sure which clinic I had gone to, knowing of two near-by towns that I might be in. What pharmacy would I go to afterward? Hmmm…dunno.

So, lessons learned–and valuable lessons, so I thought I would share with y’all.

  • When you are traveling (and especially when your kids are with a sitter) leave a detailed driving plan, even if you don’t have a contact phone number.
  • It might pay to get one (or a second) cell phone…that’s what I’ll be doing tomorrow. We’ve balked at spending the extra $35 or whatever dollars, as there are precious few dollars some months as it is. But, it sure would have been nice to have this evening.
  • If you don’t have a cell phone, it can’t hurt to find one of those old pay phones and use it…even if you think it’s probably not that late and nobody will be worrying about you, anyway.
  • Maybe, just maybe, you might have to give in and go to the doctor once in a while. But try to make an appointment if you can.

New Baby!

We were excited to welcome another member to the Carrier family last Thursday afternoon. We’re a little late in getting pictures up, but as you can see, he is very cute!! We were unaware of the birth, which tells you that it went well. We cleaned up Mommy and made sure baby was nursing properly. Our five year-0ld daughter had the honor of choosing a name. It’s official–he’s “CUTIE.” 🙂