Thoughts on our Moving Sale

We had a massive moving sale this weekend. It was amazing to see how much stuff we have accumulated over the past couple of years of being at this house, even though we have purposefully streamlined our possessions and tried to align our lives with Jesus’ teachings on non-accumulation.

It was hard to see some things go. I still had quite a few baby outfits from when our twelve year-old was born, which have been handed down to each of his siblings in turn. I can remember how he looked in them. They are gone–not sold, but given away at the end to a guy from town who offered to do a “clean-up” for us.

My mom tenderly saved so many of the baby doll clothes I played with as a child. They were hand-made by my mom, who is an excellent seamstress. They were so detailed and beautiful….many hours of labor in that bag of clothes. They sat in her cedar chest during my teenage years and she couldn’t wait to give them to my daughters after me. Now they’re gone. Given away, too. Maybe another little girl will appreciate them as we did.

My sister and I spent many happy hours “playing school” at our old school desks. My mom stored those up, too, and my girls have used them for the past 6 years. I remember what a labor of love it was to re-finish them (finally!) a couple of years ago. They are gone, too…but the sweet memories remain.

All of this doesn’t really make me sad. But what made me cry was seeing my 10 year-old’s favorite stuffed animals sold for a quarter a piece–because he cried, too. He said, “I thought I’d get at least 50 cents for them!” At first, I was a little disappointed because I assumed he was worried about not having an extra dollar or so in his pocket. But after talking through it with him, I realized that he cried because those things all had value for him (mostly sentimental, of course). And it hurts a little to know that the things that mean so much to you, are just about garbage to someone else.

Those are just a few thoughts from a very busy weekend, and a much emptier house. But we accomplished our goal of getting rid a significant amount of our “stuff.” All part of the process. We press on…and it’s all good.

1 thought on “Thoughts on our Moving Sale

  1. passing by: liked this quote -> And it hurts a little to know that the things that mean so much to you, are just about garbage to someone else.

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