Busy Tomato Days

Last week we spent three days processing tomatoes. Looks like we will do the same this week. We planted a lot more tomato plants this year but are getting quite a bit less, due to lack of rain.

Last Monday, we had almost two, five-gallon buckets full of tomatoes. Here are some photos of the kids working:

Peeling and squeezing…

Bringing in carrots

Here’s the pot full:

And the gallon of tomato juice we made:

Seems a shame that we only made 3 quarts of spaghetti sauce for all that work! But it is yummy sauce, and really we only worked for a couple of hours, from start to finish.

The second tomato day last week, we made 2 more quarts of sauce, and the third day we did 4 quarts of salsa.

Today is another salsa day! Looks like we will get  4 quarts (which is good, since 3 of the 4 quarts from last week are already gone! How did that happen?) Today Rebekah (age eight) is pretty much running the show, as I’ve been busy with the baby (and blogging!). After a few times of going through the process, everyone knows how to do their part fairly well, with supervision.

Praising God for the harvest, and for the many hands that make light work.