
I was just supervising our three girls (ages 20 months, 3 and 4-1/2) as they unloaded the dishwasher. (Here’s a recent photo, just for the sake of cuteness):

Anyway, as they were going about their work, I overheard (and contributed to) the following conversation:

Deborah (3) (emphatically!, to the 20 month-old): “Hannah, you’re going to HELL!”

Mom: “Deborah, that’s not very encouraging. Instead of telling her she’s going to hell, why don’t you try to tell her about Jesus?”

Deborah: “Hannah, can you say Jesus?”

Hannah: “Je-us”

Deborah: “Now Hanny knows Jesus!”

Rebekah: “No, she doesn’t know Jesus! She just knows how to SAY ‘Jesus!'”

Out of the mouths of babes… 🙂

Praying Through the Day

“…build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit.” (Jude 1:20, NIV)

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God… . And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.” (Ephesians 6:12-13a, 18, NIV)

What does it mean to you to “pray in the Spirit”? There are many theological debates on this issue, which I can’t say I’d like to address. In my mind, it’s one of those “disputable matters” that’s best left between an individual and God (see Romans 14:1, 22). But clearly, praying in the Spirit is something that helps build us up in our faith and equips us to fight the battle where it’s truly being engaged–in the heavenly realms.

There are many areas in which I struggle. I often meditate on Romans 7, particularly verses 21-24: “So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members. What a wretched man I am!” All too often, I find myself a prisoner of the flesh…knowing what God wants me to do but unable to do it by my own strength. Not wanting to be irritable to the children, but reacting with my emotions. Not wanting to feel depressed, but not willing to “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 12:5). Wanting to experience the joy of the Lord, but unable to “set [my mind] on things above” (Colossians 3:2), where true joy comes from.

Granted, through Bible study and prayer and, not the least, by my own determined effort, I have made consistent progress in areas of deficiency. I’m certainly not in the same place today that I was three years ago, or even six months ago. But God has really impressed upon me recently the importance of prayer. I’ve been consciously developing an ongoing prayer life and a deeper “attitude of prayer” on a daily basis. Hard to do in the hustle-and-bustle, yes. Difficult to sustain with so many other things vying for attention. When the “tyranny of the urgent” is at its worst, prayer is the first thing that suffers. Probably because it’s one of the most effective things we can do!

For me, progress in the area of prayer began with the reading of “The Practice of the Presence of God” by Brother Lawrence. (I bought a copy from CBD but it’s available in the public domain and can be printed as an e-book; places like Project Gutenberg have it). I don’t even think I read the whole book, but enough to get motivated and change some things about my personal prayer life.

Lately, “The Breaking of the Outer Man and the Release of the Spirit” by Watchman Nee has brought about more dramatic changes, both in how I view the everyday events of life and how I respond to them. Praise God, I’ve been slowly but surely seeing breakthrough in so many areas that have been personally frustrating to me. Not that I’m now perfect, mind you, but the progress has been more than encouraging.

One illustration that Watchman Nee used (and which caused me to think) was in the matter of prayer: two men wanted to develop a closer intimacy with God by growing in their attitude of prayer. In order to develop this habit, they set their watches to go off each hour, and on the hour would make it a point to pray. Unfortunately, this never allowed them to develop that desired communion with God, because in the intervening minutes of the next hour, they became distracted and overwhelmed by whatever activity they were engaged in. Problem was (and this is my extrapolation) that they were praying with their minds, when they needed to learn to pray with their spirit (as the Bible verses mentioned above instruct).

So, of late, my prayer life has been changing. I no longer just pray in praise or pray for the needs that occur on a constant basis…I’m trying NOT to simply “pray with my mind” but rather to more constantly “pray with my spirit” as well (there IS a difference–see 1 Corinthians 14:15). I do believe that this is more than a contributing factor in some of the personal changes that have been taking place as I continue along on my spiritual journey in Christ. All I can do is praise God and press on…it’s my prayer that you’ll do the same. 🙂

Encouraging Your Children with the Core Value Progress Chart

Would you believe that over 17,500 of our FREE resources were downloaded from valuesdrivenfamily.com by parents like you in the last week?! We are pleased that so many parents are eager to better equip themselves for family balance and success. Praise God!

We’re also tickled to find that so many of you share our heart in realizing that our most vital role as parents is in instructing and encouraging our children in Christ-like character. Of all of the free downloads we offer, the hands-down most popular resource was the Core Value Progress Chart, with more than 1,500 copies downloaded! Though we were excited about the interest in this great tool, we were left a bit puzzled. In the back of our minds, we wondered, “just what are parents doing with this chart?” since we’ve really only detailed its purpose and use in The Values-Driven Family, which comparatively few of you have read. So we decided to dedicate a series of newsletter articles (and blogs) to explaining the purpose, use, and power of some of the free tools you’ve recently downloaded. Enjoy!

On the subject of the chart, let’s start by introducing the premise of the core values on which the chart is based. These were not just randomly selected. I (Marc) embarked on a 30-day, verse-by-verse study of what the Bible had to say about family—every page—and took copious notes in preparation for writing VDF. What became obvious in the study was that God cares far more about our being than our doing. The popular “WWJD?” reflects the importance of “doing” what Jesus would do, but our character is of even greater value. What emerged from my study was God’s desire for humanity to manifest certain characteristics—ultimately, to take on the essence of Christlikeness. The 12 values identified through the study are the ones listed on the chart. Since these are the values that God values, they are the character traits that parents need to model, instruct, and encourage their children to manifest.

The chart itself is a practical means to go beyond just teaching children and helps parents to actively encourage them in greater and greater Christlikeness. It is not just a behavioral checklist. Yes, we identify “target behaviors” and both deficiencies and strengths become obvious. However, the chart is best used as a carrot, not a stick. It is designed to call out positive achievements and encourage positive characteristics. It is not about performance only, but also heart condition.

For example, we as parents can be busy all day and our two children can stay out of each other’s way with no discord. By our standards we would say they were good and reward them. However, if they were each doing their own thing all day, were they generous? What about humble? Did they have a surrendered heart? Did they extend themselves to show love through service? The obvious point is that God cares about our heart—and He is concerned not only about what we “do,” but about what we don’t do. As such, we use the chart to monitor outward manifestations of an inward heart condition. A praying child is a child exercising faith. A child who is thankful and appreciative, and verbally praises God, is a child who has a heart of praise. If we want our children to manifest an earnest lifestyle of faith that pleases the Lord when they are emancipated, we have to facilitate the Word traveling the 18 inches from their minds to their hearts. When properly used, the chart is a powerful tool to help accomplish that goal.

How it works: We start our children on charts at age 2—and you would be shocked at how well they understand the values and God’s desire for their conduct at that age. It’s the ultimate tool for making the Word come alive and understandable for someone who otherwise would not be profitably instructed in God’s Word for years.

Every day (we used to do it twice daily, now only once and only on weekdays) before family devotions, we sit down and recount our day, going down the list with the entire family present to see how each child did in living out the values that God values. It is wonderful to hear a little one shout that another shared a toy or praised God! We check off where they exhibited the core value and cross off and encourage better performance where they were deficient. We reward all children who score a 10 or higher with a small treat—literally a small candy—and we give a larger treat, such as a cookie, for a perfect 12. Make it age-appropriate and desirable—not necessarily snacks. At the end of the week we do a count and everyone who averages a 10 gets an ice cream cone. If they collectively average an 11, we go to McDonald’s for sundaes—that’s a big treat in the Carrier household J.

One revelation that was surprising was that we, as parents, never really know what a child’s score will be before we go through the list. We think we know–we may have dealt with a stubborn child who had a problem with surrender or obedience, and would certainly rate them as fail in a pass/fail paradigm. However, it reveals a lot when we hear the child say that they prayed that their attitude would improve, and that they tried to praise God as a way to change the direction of their day. You see, we measure what makes our lives convenient as parents and miss many opportunities to encourage our children in behaviors that are pleasing to God. This tool helps us avoid these blind spots.

The chart comes with a warning: it is only one tool in the tool box! Don’t forget core value lessons, family devotionals, bible study, and prayer. Likewise, discipline as needed and leverage those real-time “teachable moments” all day long. Last but not least, remember that more is caught than taught—our consistent modeling of the core values will carry far more weight than simply going through a chart with the children. The process of using the chart will force us as parents to focus on these character elements ourselves and will give our Heavenly Father an opportunity to minister to our hearts, molding us into Christlikeness at the same time that we disciple our children. Oftentimes it’s an ouch L, but we need it, too!

If you would like more information about how to use this powerful tool and the others mentioned, please pick up a copy of The Values-Driven Family. You won’t regret it. It has impacted countless families like yours and mine, bringing the Word of God where it belongs–in our hearts and in our homes.

God bless you!