Outtakes (Or, Why we don’t take more pictures)

While my sister was visiting the other day,  we took advantage of the opportunity to snap a new Carrier family photo.

And here are the outtakes:

Not bad, except that the baby isn’t looking at the camera.

Getting worse…Micah (down in front) is getting antsy, and now the baby is screaming. Mom is wondering if he’s going to stop any time soon, or should we just give up?

Baby’s demeanor is slightly more promising…but what are those two down in front looking at?

Oh, dear…the baby is DONE…but we’re not giving up yet.

Baby Enoch wants DOWN, and Micah’s trying to hide from the camera; Rebekah is checking out Enoch…


The baby isn’t giving up…even Jubilee (down front) is wondering if we’ll manage to snap a decent photo any time soon. Micah’s getting bored.


Are we done yet?!

And finally, WE HAVE A WINNER!!…


Can’t believe it’s December already! Time is going by sooo fast; hard to believe we’ll be in Africa almost before we know it!

We finally got our shipping crate built, upping it from the original 4′ x 8′ to 6’x 8′. We can’t ship it until Marc’s (missionary) work permit is approved, though…and we have no idea when that will happen. Depends on the Kenyan government.

Have been taking care of some administrative odds and ends, like setting up a state-side P.O. Box, formalizing change of address, and setting up ads to try and find a renter for our house. Speaking of, we’re also continuing to clean stuff out; most recently, we sold our living room built-in shelving and our master bedroom set as well as some storage shelves. We have sold the boys’ bunk beds but need to get them picked up, and we need to get rid of our big freezer (it’s being given away, but we have to coordinate some help and transportation to move it). We are still trying to sell the girls’ triple bunks and we’ll probably end up giving away our 14-person conference room table (which we use as a kitchen table).

We’ve also spent some time updating things around our house (and at my father-in-law’s next door) to make sure everything is ready for rental. Panting, painting, and more painting, plus installing a couple of doors, caulking around sinks and tubs, and some other miscellaneous stuff. We’re going to have the kitchen and living room flooring replaced before we move, but that’s not a DIY job.

That’s what’s been going on here. Appreciate your prayers for tying up all the loose ends remaining…the work permit approval is a biggie and we sure would like a renter for our house. ALSO (don’t know how we missed this when we first booked our flight!) one of our layovers (in Switzerland) is only a 45-minute connection and I think we’ll even have to go through security (all 10 of us, plus 9 personal bags and 9 carry-on suitcases and 9 check-in totes)?! Definitely need the Lord’s timing on that one. Can’t imagine the chaos if we miss a flight. We had to book about 6 months in advance just to get us all seated near one another on the plane!

God is in control. 🙂 We press on…

Blessing, or Suffering?: A Holiday Message

Here is the most recent newsletter sent out by Values-Driven:

We strive to make our newsletters practical and helpful, whether you are a homeschooling family or not. However, this time I just want to share what’s been on my heart in hopes that you may be spiritually encouraged.

I know that many of you appreciate Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals because these sales help you to be a good steward of what God has given you. But frankly, I can’t help but feel upset that companies are just pandering to the lusts of our flesh and asking us to buy into the world instead of investing in the Kingdom of God. However, this only happens to the extent that we allow it. I am praying that each one of us will separate ourselves unto the Lord this holiday season and serve Him wholeheartedly.

Personally, we have been burdened by the plight of our brothers and sisters around the world who are suffering. It makes the typical holiday self-indulgences seem the most egregious of sins.

A colleague of ours on the mission field, Joe Jones (founder of Christian Family Network, http://www.cfnetmissions.org.uk), has been keeping us abreast of his work in Sudan. Perhaps you have been following in the news about the fighting between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North forces in Blue Nile state, which has forced thousands of refugees to flee to South Sudan. Many Christians are caught in the crossfire, according to a report published in Mission Network News (http://www.mnnonline.org/article/16488). Joe recently led a mission into North Sudan to bring members of a Sudanese church out of the war zone and provide medical care. This latter effort was most necessary, as during the trip they came under fire from an Antonov plane. (You can see an update on the CFNet Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/CFNetMissions).

This is just one example of the suffering of Christians around the world, yet brought close to home in a way that is hard to ignore. Sad to say, I think most of us pay lip service to the persecution of Christians because very often there isn’t a “face” on it. When it becomes personal, however, we are more likely to pray, but also hopefully to self-evaluate.

We’re tempted to ask ourselves, “Is it right for us to be so blessed when others are facing such trial?” But a better question might be, “Are we really “blessed”…or are they ?” First Peter 4:12-13 says,

“Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you;  but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation.”

Further, the Apostle Paul shares his desire to know Christ “and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings” (Philippians 3:10). Through suffering, we are drawn closer to Jesus, who is our example. If we are, indeed, to take up our cross and follow Him (Matthew 16:24), then it follows that we will not experience “blessing” as the world would recognize it. Instead, Jesus Himself promised us trials (John 16:33) and even persecution (Mark 10:29-31). But He also promised that He would be with us and that as we abide in Him we will overcome.

Recently we read in Martyr’s Mirror the account of three steadfast martyrs named Tharacus, Probus, and Andronicus, that showed a true Christian response in the face of extreme suffering. You will no doubt be impacted by their story, which you can read online here: http://www.homecomers.org/mirror/martyrs018.htm. During his examination, the President said to Probus, “Thou wretched man! do spare thine own body; for the earth is soaked with thy blood.” Probus answered, “Be assured, the more my body suffers for the name of Christ, the more my soul is healed and quickened.” All of these men (and many more like them) gladly endured extreme bodily suffering and ultimately, death, with true joy and confident witness of Christ. Our earthly blessings may, perhaps, blind us to the true blessing of suffering and the reward of drawing closer to Christ in our trials.

We have been meditating on all of these things at that time of year when so many are coveting the latest and greatest gadget, shopping for the best deals on things that they don’t really need, and forgetting in their over-indulgence that many are lacking even their “daily bread.” This is not to say that we can’t enjoy things that the Lord truly desires to give us as blessing; but it is to say that it’s sometimes easy to confuse the distractions of satan with the gifts of God.
We pray that your  holiday season will be filled with true blessings–with every good and perfect gift that is from above. Fix your eyes on Jesus and glorify God in everything; He is worthy!

Switching up the Routine

We’ve had a good routine for many years now.It helps us meet all of our goals and objectives for our family and attend to all the practical things that need doing. Even the littles know what to expect each day, and for the most part things move along pretty smoothly.

So you can understand how uncertain I was about changing things, when somehow the subject became a matter of family conversation. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, right?

My oldest wanted more flexibility with how he used his time. I could concede that he is pretty responsible and would be able to manage things fairly well independently. My second son was good with the routine, though he recommended a minor change. He is, however, highly distractable when it comes to school work, so I was sure that totally independent time management would probably be an epic “fail” for him.

My personal concern with freeing up the schedule too much was that it would be chaotic in general, and that specifically, the littles wouldn’t have the structure that they needed. Also, I didn’t want everyone to be going their own way and miss out on valuable family time. Not to mention that I figured it would be a micro-management nightmare for me, trying to make sure that everyone was getting done what they needed to get done and not just wasting time.

So, after much discussion, we compromised and came up with something that everyone seemed happy with. We will begin our day with family Bible reading and prayer, then have about an hour to do morning jobs and either start school, read books, or enjoy some free time. Breakfast at 9:00 for everyone, followed by Circle Time (everyone participates). Between 10:00 and 12:00, the older children are free to do their schoolwork or have free time, with the stipulation that either Language Arts or Math must be done by lunch time. After lunch, the littles nap and I do something school-related with the big kids, then they have the afternoon to complete their independent work and enjoy whatever free time is left over. Afternoon jobs can be done “whenever,” as long as they are done by 5:00, at which time we’ll do something together as a family (read aloud, play a game, or whatever), and then make sure the house is in order and supper underway for Dad’s arrival home at about 6:30.

I still plan on managing time and tasks for the littles, of course, but I like having some “checkpoints” built into the routine so that even the big kids can manage things better and I have less worry that things will spiral out of control.

We’re on all of day two with this new schedule, and so far, so good. I’m optimistic that this will work fairly well for our family. If not, we’ll keep on tweaking it. On a positive note, my second-oldest is doing surprisingly well with getting his academics done–he’s finished his math in record time both days! Don’t know if this trend will continue but I hope so.

Snack Ideas?

My repertoire of recipes is dwindling as we work our way through our food stores. One of the challenges is always “snack time”–that time of the afternoon when we’re three hours from lunch and about three hours until supper.

Before our $20 per month grocery budget was instituted, we would often just grab some saltines and peanut butter for snack. Now, I don’t buy crackers…and if I do splurge on peanut butter, we usually have PB&J for lunch or use it in a dessert (one of our favorites is peanut butter pudding). A while back, we got a bunch of dried figs, so those made a good snack, but now they’re almost gone. Occasionally I make potato chips or corn chips, but frankly by mid-afternoon I want a rest from food preparation and the accompanying kitchen mess.

So…when looking frantically for a fast, healthy snack idea the other day, I unexpectedly stumbled upon the idea of Puffed Wheat Berries in my More-with-Less cookbook by Doris Janzen Longacre. All you do is heat a little oil in a pan (I use coconut oil if I have it), add wheat berries, and shake the pan over the heat until you don’t hear any more popping  sounds. After the wheat was pleasantly warm and puffed, I added a little soy sauce and some seasoned salt. Yum! Everyone has a new favorite (easy!) snack.

I would LOVE some more easy snack suggestions that use simple (staple) ingredients. Leave a comment if you have any ideas.


September’s Most Popular Search Terms

To be quite honest, I don’t pay much attention at all to our Web stats. Occasionally I check to see where folks are linking to our site from, and even more infrequently I actually pay attention to the search terms that drive traffic here. Just in case you were curious, here’s a short list of the most popular terms (besides “Values-Driven” and “Values-Driven Family”) that led people to visit www.valuesdrivenfamily.com:

If you’re interested in Growing to be Like Jesus, feel free to use the code BLOGSPECIAL to get it at 40% off. I’ll leave the code active for one week!)

There you have it…what brings YOU to our site? 🙂


Today I had to go to the bank and decided to stop at the park with the children. Their favorite equipment at our 70’s vintage town playground is the one we’ve officially dubbed “the death trap.” You probably know what I’m talking about:

As they spun themselves around again and again, I thought about how time has seemed be moving justthatfast lately. Having a new baby, gardening and freezing and canning, then starting up school again, and of course preparing to move to Kenya in February, it seems as if the kaleidoscope of time has been going non-stop.

So today I paused.

I mused out loud to the children,

“Do you realize that Enoch and Jubilee [who are 4 months and two years old, respectively] will probably never know–or remember–a Fall day like this one?” Kenya, at the equator, is remarkably constant: an average of 80-something degrees all year with sunrise at 6:30 AM and sunset at about 6:30 PM every day, seasons only marked by wetness or dryness, long rains and short rains…

Snow will be a foreign concept to them, known only from pictures and the rest of the family’s reminisces.

They won’t remember appliances like dishwashers and washing machines and dryers.

And a playground…?

We’re moving toward good things, but there’s a lot we’re leaving behind. I will miss being able to hop in the van and go to the park to enjoy a beautiful Fall day, listening to my children laugh and enjoy each other and God’s creation.

I’m thanking God for giving me {pause} today…

(This post is linked up with A Wise Woman Builds Her Home.)


15 Nickels or 10 Dimes?

My daughter was working on her second grade math workbook today, focusing on counting coins. She was reading the questions out loud to me and then telling me the answer as I worked at the stove.

Question: “Which would you rather have in your piggy bank, 15 nickels or 10 dimes?”

Answer: “10 dimes!”

My question, in response: “Well, if you had 10 dimes and gave away 25 cents to someone who had need, leaving you with 15 nickels, isn’t it indeed better to have 15 nickels?”

My daughter’s answer: “Of course that would be better. But that’s not the answer the book tells me to put down.”

Reply: “That’s because the way of the world and the Kingdom way are in opposition to one another. It’s not unusual that the world expects something different than Jesus would expect.”


After this, we talked about some Scriptures:

“Jesus said to him, ‘If you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.’” (Matthew 19:21)


“But whoever has the world’s goods, and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him?” (1 John 3:17)

How many opportunities we have in the course of each day to disciple our children. It’s easy to let those moments pass, unseen in the busyness of life. Let’s strive, instead, to embrace them! Ask the Lord to open your eyes and help you to “make the most of every opportunity”–to bring to mind the lessons and Scriptures that can help your children daily to grow in the Truth.