Works for me Wednesday: Everyday Forgiveness

When I woke up this morning, I thought, “Wow, it’s Wednesday already!” I was not feeling very inspired about Works for me Wednesday (Sorry, Shannon!)…but I didn’t NOT want to participate.

It’s been one of those days. Actually, I’ve been having a few of “those days.” Many of the things I should be doing, I haven’t been. And the things I didn’t want to do, well, there they are (read more about that here). So you can see why I wasn’t feeling very gung-ho about Works for me Wednesday.

But, as we went out and about in town this morning–listening to some good music on the way–I was reminded that I’M NOT PERFECT. I was also reminded, though, that I still am PERFECTLY FORGIVEN. And I am so thankful for that.

This isn’t a cyber-altar call, folks, so don’t get nervous (or offended). For a good rundown on that all-important stuff, click here. What I want to talk about is the everyday gospel–everyday “good news”–everyday forgiveness.

I remember a friend of mine, years ago, complaining about her holier-than-thou brother and sister-in-law. They so turned her off because of their religiousity. On the other hand, she’d seen my kids run away when I called them to come to me…and I probably raised my voice once or twice, too. And, although I can’t say I was pleased about it at the time–and I thought I was such a poor witness for Christ–I got to say to her, in all honesty, “Honey, I’M NOT PERFECT. I’m just PERFECTLY FORGIVEN.” That’s the truth, and I’m sticking with it.

Salvation, for me, wasn’t saying a magic prayer and carrying on with life as usual. Jesus changed me. Because of Jesus, I see the ugliness that is in me. I hate it. I so want to be better than that. If left to my own devices, I could not forgive myself. But I know that Jesus forgives me. Not just when I said the “Jesus, come into my heart” prayer…but every day. Every moment of every day, if I need it. And sometimes I feel like I do. An awesome song that always makes me cry is called “God Loves You,” sung by Charlie and Jill LeBlanc and the worship team at Joyce Meyer Ministries. (It’s on a CD called “Intimate Moments,” and–as an aside–I am SO bummed that I lost mine because it’s no longer being prduced.) Anyway, it goes like this:

Well every person fails
And every man needs love to pick him up, time after time
This world can use you up
And leave you with a world of care
Where hope used to shine.
But God can give you strength
When all you’ve done is fall,
So say it ’till you understand,
And tell me, do you really understand?

God loves you
and made you for the pleasure of knowing you…
God loves you
and made you for the pleasure of showing you
that God loves you.

At times like this, I just have to keep reminding myself that God loves me anyway. Even when I don’t love myself.

I went to a local church with my kids somewhat recently for a special service. A visiting minister shared a sermon and then spent some time praying for people. I had to sneak out early (10 PM…early?!), but he stopped me before I got out the door to pray for me and for my children. I felt like God spoke to me. Here is what he said (the minister, not exactly God…),

“You’re not Super Woman.” (Agreed. Preach it, brother!)

“You’re not a super wife.” (Well, not always, no.)

“You’re not a super mother.” (Okay, now you’re going too far, guy!) But then he spoke what I have always felt is my life statement:

“But you are doing the very best you can. And what you can’t do, God can.”

So today, I am thanking God again for the gift of my salvation through Jesus Christ. I need Him. I need His forgiveness. Every day. That really works for me.