Why I Love Dandelions

Yesterday I got my first dandelions of the season. My beautiful two year-old came to the front door with five dandelion heads squashed in her chubby fist: “Opee da doe [that’s “open the door”], I fowers fo’ YOU, Mom! [“I have flowers for YOU, Mom!”]
I sigh. But not one of those exasperated sighs that my children sometimes hear. No, one of those sighs of sweet memories. She’s the fifth child to bring me one of my most favorite things: dandelions. And not just any dandelions. Beautiful, half-dead-by-the-time-I-get-them dandelion heads. You can see them in the photo on my “keepsake” window sill over the kitchen sink. I have to smile every time I see them. Why? Because of her innocence. Her joy. Her love in bringing me the prettiest thing she could find.
And, yet, looking at these dandelions brings me a twinge of regret, too. Because I know that next year she’ll bring me dandelions that actually have stems. I can put them in water. The Spring after that, she’ll probably realize that dandelions are just weeds. So she’ll bring me some of the daffodils that are just peeking their heads out of the garden beds. The next season, likely she’ll be too big and too busy to bring me any flowers at all. (Sigh).
It just makes me wonder how many precious moments I “don’t” see. How many sweet things my kids do…how they are TODAY, that I don’t fully appreciate. What will I remember in 5 years? What WON’T I remember? Getting dandelions just makes me want to savor every moment of this day with my little ones. Pretty soon, they will be only memories. I’m crying just thinking about it…