Still Working…

Yesterday Marc got most of the upper kitchen cabinets installed, and hung a huge storage shelf in the master bedroom as well. In CT we had a wonderful basement for storage, and here in IN our “old” house has a great attic space. THIS house, if it is lacking in anything, needs more storage! No attic, no basement, and no outbuildings (yet!) Sooo…the shelf in the master bedroom will come in handy for some interim storage of off-season clothes, off-size clothes (waiting for the next hand-me-down), and whatever else we don’t have an official location for.

There is a large pile of boxes and miscellaneous “stuff” in the living room of the new house, just waiting to be put away. I made some progress on that yesterday, but there’s still plenty to do. Today, however, we’re at the “old” house, shampooing carpets, washing windows, and cleaning up the yard a bit. Later this afternoon I have a doctor’s appointment, so won’t make much progress with unpacking. I’m sure it will all get done in good time. I just have to be content with looking at the mess for a little while longer. 🙂

Right now Marc is overseeing the moving and re-installation of our propane tank, and will be attempting to uninstall/re-install our satellite Internet equipment sometime over the weekend. That’s something new for him, but if he can do it, we’ll save about $450…so thanks in advance for your prayers that all will go smoothly. 😉

The littles have been watching lots of cartoons with Grandpa lately. I managed them along with everything else pretty successfully for the for the first week or so but these past few days everyone has gotten a little tired of no routine, no “stuff” where and when you need it, etc. Grandpa to the rescue! Gotta love the sacrifices that you sometimes have to make during these seasons of life. Oy! I need to go peel them away from the TV and get back to the other house.

Quick Moving Update

Well, we’re working into week two of moving!

In the new house, Marc has removed/re-located the center island (including sink) over to the side wall so that we could accommodate our 16-person dining room table (yeah!!). We’ve unexpectedly replaced the valve body in the main bathtub…since I wanted to give the girls a much-needed bath the other day and the water turned on, but…didn’t turn back off (oops!). We had no front exterior door (just a sheet of plywood, LOL), so that went in pretty much right away, and almost all of the interior doors had been stripped as well, so those are being worked on, too.

Today we woke up to rain and realized from the dripping overhead that the roof leak in the master bedroom is the next thing to be fixed. There was a tarp over it and we knew it’d have to be done eventually, but apparently (for whatever reason) the tarp hasn’t been–or no longer is–doing its job.

Both houses are a bit disorderly…but most of the stuff we “need” is in our new house and we’ve settled in there quite nicely. We’re feeling very blessed!

Now, we’ve got to whip our “old” house into shape for sale! Tomorrow we’re having new carpet installed in the lower level, so Marc did some paint touch-ups on the walls today. I got a lot of the remaining “stuff” from the bedrooms, kitchen, and living room boxed up; not moved yet, but ready to go. The master bedroom is still a wreck, as is the office. But everything else is shaping up pretty well.

Slow and steady wins the race…


Last Friday we closed on a little house just across the field from our current home. We’ve been working on it all week, hoping to get moved from here to there within the next couple of weeks or so. Well, today Marc decided that we might as well just take the plunge and bring everything over there! Pending a successful plumbing fix, we’ve got a few neighbors coming this afternoon to help. I don’t think we’ll be moving everything today–just the big stuff–but enough that we’ll be able to make it “home” over there! There are still a couple of repairs that need to be done, but nothing pressing. So, we press on!

All that’s left is to sell the house we’re now vacating. 🙂

Gotta go get busy!

"You’re Not Super Woman!" (But Super Mom Helps)

I remember, about a year and a half ago now, going to an evening service at a local church where an evangelist was preaching and praying for folks. I went with four of my children–including the baby (leaving the two middlers at home with Grandpa). The service started at 7:00, and since the children are usually in bed by 8:00 or 8:30, I wasn’t sure how long we’d last–especially with the whole “sitting in church” thing. They are pretty well-practiced in this area, so I wasn’t sweating it, but knowing how late these types of services can go, I didn’t want to have to leave “too” early.

Well, to my surprise we made it until 10 PM before the baby started fussing and I guessed that was our cue. The preaching was still going strong and the prayer part had hardly even started. Even so, I started to sneak out the back door–but not before an acquaintance of mine got the ear of the preacher and insisted that he pray for me before we all left.

He spoke many words that were like hitting a nail on the head at that point in my life, but this is what I clearly remember, even now:

You’re not Super Woman.

You’re not a super wife.

You’re not a super mother.

But you’re doing the very best you can. And what you can’t do, God can.

Though those beginning words certainly carry the power to discourage (because who doesn’t want to be a super wife and mother?!), it is the closing that I cling to. God knows that daily I DO try to do my very best, and I try to keep in step with the Spirit so that I’m doing the things that He wants, not just operating according to how I feel or what I think. And if I am confident in nothing else, I do know that God will step in where I leave off and do what I cannot.

Granted, some days are better than others. Lately, I’ve been operating in the flesh much more than I would like–but I am more than aware of the battle and God is amazingly faithful to keep me on the right track even though I would stubbornly insist on veering off. I’m officially in my third trimester…getting bigger, getting tired. Any other moms with me on wishing for a FULL NIGHT’S SLEEP?!

Frankly, this morning I was on the edge of irritability. Tired doesn’t even express how I was feeling, and my emotions are usually quite uncooperative in such cases. But I made it through the morning quite well, in spite of how I felt. (Praise God!) At such times I always have to cooperate “on purpose” with some of the practical things that I know will help–like eating a healthy breakfast, drinking plenty of water, TAKING MY VITAMINS, and so on. (These are things that I talk about at length in the audio seminar package, Defeating Depression: Cooperating with God to Experience Victory over Negative Emotions.)

Today I experienced such a lift after taking my Beeyoutiful Super Mom vitamins, and a couple of Bee Strong capsules, that I really wanted to share the benefits with you! Beeyoutiful sells a whole host of natural products that are designed to keep you healthy and help you experience God’s best. I try to be regular with my vitamins–and certainly notice when I DON’T take them. While I don’t take Bee Strong regularly, it sure does seem to give me an extra boost of energy on days like today when I’m dragging.

We are able to get ANY Beeyoutiful products at a re-seller/distributor discount, and we pass along those savings to YOU by offering 15% off on ALL Beeyoutiful items. At one point we had several items regularly in stock and shipped from here; however, I have found it hard to keep multiple items in stock (due to the investment cost) since Marc was laid off in November. SO, we’ve been doing “custom orders” and these have really been growing in popularity.

Basically, folks “shop” at, then email me with the items that they would like to order. I send out a Pay Pal invoice which reflects 15% off all items, plus shipping. I place the order once the invoice is paid. I usually receive orders here within 3-4 days, then re-package and re-ship…so a turn-around on a custom order is usually 2 weeks or less. Thus far it has been win-win for everyone!

So…since my Beeyoutiful products have been such a blessing to me today, I wanted to bless YOU! Everyone who places a custom order of OVER $50 between today (Friday, Feb. 27) and Sunday (March 1) will not only get our usual 15% off prices (which is a great deal no matter how you look at it!) but will also be entered to win one of TWO FREE Beeyoutiful products: a bottle of Bee Strong (a $13 value) OR a bottle of peppermint essential oil (a $7.00 value), both randomly selected.

Just go to to shop, then drop me an email telling me what you’d like [sales (at) valuesdrivenfamily (dot) com]. I’ll send you an invoice with your total; I’ll be placing a bulk distributor order on Monday morning, and you should have your products within about a week and a half!

Here’s hoping you have a physically and spiritually healthy day! 🙂

Update on Marc’s Trip to Kenya

Marc has been gone for a week to Kenya–it’s gone by fast so far but now I think time is starting to slow down a bit as we wait for him to come home. 🙂

I had planned on having my sister out to visit from CT for a few days while Marc was away, but (SURPRISE!!) my Mom came, too! It was great to see them, but their visit went by quickly. And, unfortunately, we passed a stomach virus around during the short time they were here. They treated us to several meals out to eat, which was a real blessing, and came with birthday money for the kids from various relatives…so of course we went shopping. It was a whirlwind few days…now we are settling back into our normal routines this week.

Fortunately, Marc has been able to call frequently (although I’m not sure what our phone bill will look like!). His stay in Nairobi was really anointed. He did leadership training for the network of pastors there, which went very well, and then did a marriage and family seminar which was also well-received. God really did some amazing things during the Sunday service, though, and he is really excited about all of it!

He also visited the ministry orphanage in the slums of Nairobi, which was a very sobering experience. There is a big difference between their standard of living and ours, although Marc remains convinced that in many ways, they are better off there than we are here.

Now he is out in a more rural area ministering to a different network of churches, but also doing the leadership training and marriage and family seminar(s). I think he has fallen in love with Kenya! Hopefully he will post some more details when he returns.

New Years’ Resolutions, anyone??

New Year’s resolutions—do you have any? I suppose it’s all too common to make resolutions and then let them fade away into oblivion, whether because of busyness or laziness—or perhaps a combination of both. Goals met, on the other hand, bring a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment, not to mention the intended benefit of the goal itself (such as losing weight or quitting smoking for improved health and energy.)

Let me ask you: what are your spiritual goals for this year? Do you want to be in the same place in your walk with the Lord in January 2010 as you are right now? If not, what is your plan for making progress? If you’re anything like me, you might set up a checklist of “to-do’s” in order to give yourself some sort of measurement of progress. Read so many chapters of your Bible each day, spend so much time in prayer, attend a Women’s Bible study, or read a certain number of Christian books on a given subject. Trouble is, we get focused on the “doing” and forget that God is all about our “being.”

So can I ask you another question? (This one is a little more personal.) How is your “being?” Do you think your character reflects the character of Christ? (That is, after all, the goal—see Romans 8:29, for example.) In what areas would you like to improve?

Personally, during this first trimester of pregnancy I’ve let my constant tiredness make me a little irritable with my children. That’s certainly a bad habit that I’d like to nip in the bud sooner rather than later! I’ve also been doing many things more out of “duty” than out of “love.” While it is good to obey, God also wants our hearts—and I’ll be the first to admit that I could use some work in that area. Trouble is, I can’t really make a checklist out of how many times I snap at the children, or sigh, or just give up on doing something that I know God would want me to do (like get up and discipline one of the children when they need it!). And even if I tried to do that, it probably wouldn’t be effective. Why? Because outward measures don’t necessarily affect the heart—and that’s where lasting change needs to start.

To get the ball rolling on heart-change, Bible reading and prayer are good. I can measure those—even better! But, the danger is that I’d just get caught up in more doing and yet wouldn’t even be “doing” the right thing with all of the information I’d acquire through study. My husband picked up a quote from somewhere (unfortunately I’m not sure the source) that goes something like this: The average Christian is knowledgeable beyond their ability to obey. In other words, I may possess lots of head-knowledge but I’m not able to adequately put it into practice the way God wants me to. Yet it is my obedience that shows my love for God and brings blessing (see Luke 11:28, John 14:15-24).

Knowledge is relatively easy to acquire, so it’s equally easy to feel confident in what we “know.” Infinitely harder to put the Word into practice on a consistent basis! If I had a “New Year’s Resolution” this year, I would want to be more obedient to what I already know in God’s Word. Given what I have already read and studied in my Christian walk, I could probably give up Bible reading entirely and still “know” more than I can successfully “do.” Scary thought, no? How about you?

I have been immensely blessed as I have edited, read, and re-read Marc and Todd Shaw’s upcoming book, The Values-Driven Life. It was actually designed to help us get from where we are to where we want to be in our relationship with God and in our expression of Christ-like character. Jesus used the parable of the soils (see Luke 8) to describe the various responses to the Gospel. The Values-Driven Life focuses on the last two: the seed that springs up among thorns, and the seed that falls on good soil, where it produces an abundant crop. The goal for all of us to be abundantly fruitful for God and His Kingdom! Here’s a brief excerpt from the first chapter—you may pick up the reference to the gardening analogy, but you’ll also get a good idea of the premise behind the book:

Crops need protection, but they also need fertilizer for optimum growth. Yep, Christians need fertilizer, too. Your nourishment comes from God’s Word, the Bible.

There is absolutely no substitute for sitting down during your quiet time in the morning and reading God’s Word. It is always relevant and always timely. Read the same passage ten times, and most certainly you will hear God’s gentle voice whisper new and fresh insight for you each time you read it. It is nourishment for the soul, and an absolute necessity if you are going to bear fruit. You can’t impart nourishment to others until you are personally “filled.” Reading the Bible regularly is an important first step in your spiritual growth.

Another means of learning God’s Word is through Bible study. Spending time alone, or especially with other Christians, dissecting and discussing God’s Word is time well invested. Interaction and discussion will offer the most substantive nourishment. Listening to a sermon can have an impact, but an interactive discourse is guaranteed to go deeper in its effects (see First Corinthians 14:26, for example). Seek active learning over passive learning any day.

Another great source of nourishment is good books, or teaching audios and videos. For example, The Values-Driven Life was written to help you identify weeds in your own life, and to provide some Miracle-Gro® for your accelerated growth. Essentially, we have identified some of the elements that are essential to your growth in Christ-likeness, and have pulled them together into twelve easy-to-understand-and-apply packets so that you can get a jumpstart on your spiritual journey.

Is there any substitute for the organic stuff (i.e., the Bible)? Absolutely not! God’s unadulterated Word will give you all that you will find in this book, and more. But reading the Bible alone also poses a challenge: there is much, much, much more! The Bible is a big book. It will take you years to read it, and even longer to understand and apply it. The Values-Driven Life offers just the highlights of what the Bible has to say specifically concerning what it means to grow in Christ-like character. No history, no prophesy, no poetry; just a focused summary of what God wants from you and me as it pertains to our character. But it will take perseverance on your part to read, meditate on, and apply the teachings herein.

If Christ-likeness is the Goal, What does it Look Like?

The purpose of The Values-Drive Life is to provide a “quick start” or “quick reference” guide for “professing Christians” at all levels of spiritual growth, whose heartfelt desire is to continue to mature in their faith. The question is, since we are attempting to summarize the whole of the Scriptures and the essence of Christ-likeness in twelve easily digestible concepts, what are the values that God most values? What should be your focus as you seek to grow in Christ-like character?

Within the books of the Bible, God’s core values—the principles and ideals that God desires for humanity—are embodied in the character of key men and women who walked closely with God, are specified in the Scriptures, and are ultimately best defined and made manifest in the person of Christ. There is ample scriptural evidence of 12 core values of God, which form the essence of Christ-likeness: Faith, Surrender, Love, Faithfulness, Wisdom, Self-control, Righteousness, Humility, Holiness, Diligence, Generosity and Praise.

These core values are evident throughout the whole of Scripture, either directly stated or seen repeatedly as the traits of those who had intimate relationships with God—and evident in Christ Himself. And we know that God wants us to be like Christ (see Romans 8:29). So, ultimately, these are the essential character traits that God wants to manifest in His people. These are the values that God values.

Subsequent chapters of VDL take an in-depth look at each of the essential “core values” of our faith. If your goal is to grow more like Christ this year, reading VDL is just what you need! It’s packed full of Scriptures (over 1,200 verses!) and—yes, probably plenty of conviction, too. Why? Because none of us have “arrived” at the goal yet, and getting there is sometimes a slow and painful process. So you’ll hopefully find plenty of encouragement, too, to press on in your striving. As you grow closer to God and desire greater obedience to His Word, 2009 may be your most blessed year yet—at least, we hope so! Advance copies of VDL can be purchased now and will ship as soon as they are available—just visit You’ll definitely want to read the advance testimonials here.

Personally, I will be re-reading (and working on) the value of Love, and probably Praise, too. After that, I’m sure it will be something else.

Oh, and on the subject of New Year’s resolutions…some of you may remember our “Family Planner for Character Growth and Development” from last January; others of you are new to Values-Driven. You can access that planner by clicking here, and be sure to read the related blog post. You may find it helpful as you evaluate your family’s progress in character development and set goals for growth in the New Year. As you (and your family) strive to grow in your faith and in Christlike character, remember Jesus’ promise in Luke 11:28: “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” This could be your most blessed year yet–we sure hope so!

Thanks for letting us share our “New Year’s” thoughts. You all are a blessing to us, and we pray for wonderful things for your 2009!


On a personal note, one of our first orders of business this year is to prepare for Marc’s two-week missions trip to Kenya (Jan. 20-Feb.4). He suddenly got a little nervous this week, realizing that he had to be prepared for 40+ hours of teaching and training (16 workshops, services, and revival meetings)—but he’s been in the Word and in prayer all week and we’re sure that God will do amazing things through this time. Please pray with us that this is so!

There are many expenses associated with this trip, of course. Some support has already been contributed, and we’re trusting God for the rest. Although it is a bit out of the scope of our “usual,” we thought you wouldn’t mind if we let you know of this need and asked for financial help from those of you who feel prayerfully led to do so. Given Marc’s recent layoff, every penny that we raise will be used directly for the Kenya trip, as the shortfall is still well in the thousands. Every bit will be a blessing, so if you can give—it is much appreciated. We’ve set up an informational page at:; you can also donate there if you’re interested. Of course, we will keep you posted as Marc is away and with the “results” when he returns!

Awesome table…yes, a table!

We had officially outgrown our table for six (which, quite frankly, we hung on to long after it looked nice, just because it was still functional.) I PRAYED for a new table…freecycled for a new table…and the best we did to get the family all together for meals was this (in case you can’t tell, it’s our 6-seater rectangular table and a small, round table with some extra chairs):

(Of course, this is a lovely photo that Marc took of us “schooling”…)

Last weekend we were BLESSED to be offered a very nice, 12′ x 4′ “conference table,” which suits us wonderfully as a dining room table! Here it is:

And, just for scale, here we are:

Plenty of room for more! 🙂

I Can’t Believe I did This…

…but yesterday was a l-o-n-g day. I’m in my first trimester, don’t forget (read: TIRED), had NOTHING defrosted for dinner (yeah, I know), and both school and chores with the kids were like pulling teeth (unusual, to say the least). So anyway, while going to the post office during the little ones’ nap time, I stopped by the little store in downtown Paragon and bought each of the children one of THESE for supper:

I totally caved. The kids were beyond excited. It made me feel better to have our oldest (9 year-old), exclaim, “Wow! I’ve never had a frozen dinner!”

Praise God! Hope he enjoyed it. He may not get another…

Not the answer I expected!

I was talking to my 9 year-old son last night…we were looking forward to his 10th birthday (not for a while yet, but HE is looking forward to it!) and so of course (in typical Mommy fashion) I was reminiscing about his babyhood…all the way up to the present day.

I asked him, “Are you happy about your life?” And he said, “Well, I don’t really remember the first part of it…but from what I remember, I’m happy!” OK, that’s good. Next question: “Is there anything you would change about your life?” He thought about that one for several minutes. I started to wonder…maybe I shouldn’t have asked! Then he said,

“I would have more brothers and sisters!”

THAT was a surprise! So I said, “Really?” and he said, “Yeah. I heard about this family that had five babies at the same time and they ALL survived. THAT would be awesome!”

Oh, wow!

Marc and I have been appreciating lately how much the children DO love each other. It is such a blessing. Granted, they have their moments (we all do!) of bickering, bossing, selfishness, and so on…but we really are thankful for the blessing of our children. It is nice to know that they also are thankful for each other. 🙂

“Sons are a heritage from the LORD,
children a reward from him.

Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
are sons born in one’s youth.

Blessed is the man
whose quiver is full of them. “

(Psalm 127:3-5, NIV)


All this week I’ve been squirreled away in the office downstairs virtually all day. Marc wants me to edit his new book so that we can get preview copies ready for January, which puts us on a pretty tight timeline. Since I’ve been busy with that project, he has been managing the home and children and doing the homeschooling. Interesting change of events, to say the least. On the one hand, a nice break for me; on the other hand, I miss the usual activity and having all my little ones around me all day. I look for excuses to go upstairs off and on throughout the day. 🙂

I had to relate a conversation I had with Deborah, our three year-old, late yesterday afternoon during one of my impromptu visits upstairs. The children had just finished their afternoon jobs.

We are finally recovering from our annual “ladybug infestation,” which is the result of having a soy field in our front yard. Every year, right after the fields are harvested, the displaced ladybugs start to look for new homes–and our home happens to be nice and warm, as it begins to get chilly outside! They find their way in through cracks in the windows, log walls…who knows? But here they are. We vacuum them, usually. But many just come in and die of natural causes, so there are tons of little ladybug carcasses lying around for a couple of weeks in the late fall.

ANYWAY, I’m making a short story long… Deborah’s job yesterday was to clean up the carcasses that have been littering the stairs going from the main level up to our lofted master bedroom. I have a really hard time using the vacuum on the stairs, so Daddy asked Deborah to use the little broom and dustpan to sweep them up. Unfortunately, the broom thing wasn’t really working for her on the carpeted stairs–so she decided to pick them all up BY HAND! Daddy was impressed with her diligence and complimented her immensely. But here is our afternoon conversation about it all–I do WISH you could have HEARD her. She has soooo much personality!! Try to imagine the inflection (and her passion), OK?:

Deborah: OH! MOM!! I did my HARDEST JOB EVER today!! I picked up ladybugs off of your stairs ONLY WITH MY HANDS. It took me a REAL LONG TIME and I didn’t like it at all!! It was my WORST JOB!

Me: (with a laugh and a smile…she’s so cute!), “Aren’t you supposed to ‘work with all your heart, as working for the Lord’?”

Deborah: OH! I DID!! I actually LOVED my job…I just didn’t really like it. Not at all! But I LOVED it!!


Then, there was a really nice conversation with my sweetie as we got ready for bed last night. 🙂

I’m in my first trimester…you know, the totally tired weeks…and have been feeling really bad that lately we put the kids to bed and I’m ready to go upstairs and fall right asleep. Usually Marc and I have some good time together before we finally head to bed, but I’ve barely managed to keep my eyes open lately. So last night as we were tooth-brushing, I said, “I’m sorry I’ve been so tired and blah lately!”

His response: “Are you kidding? You’re a blessing! After spending all this time with the kids this week, I’m realizing how much you do around here!”
