To-Do List: Tool or Task-Master?

If you are like me, you have a daily to-do list. You write down everything you want to accomplish, and you feel a sense of success with each added item you get to cross off. Sometimes, when days get hectic, the to-do list is an anchor and allows you to feel some sense of control over those things which are totally out of your control.

If you’re anything like me, a to-do list is a necessary productivity tool. But sometimes you probably notice that it becomes more of a stumbling block. Here are some things that I have noticed about my to-do list:

1. My to-do list is not always in order of priority, although it should be. Often times, I put things I “want” to do before things that need to be done.

2. Sometimes, the absolutely necessary tasks of daily life are not even found on my to-do list! I write down things like “do laundry,” “Doctor’s appointment” and so on, but have never seen an action item like, “Read Bible verses with the children about positive communication,” or “Send Marc an e-card just to say I Love You.” Hmmm…

3. The to-do list can become not a tool, but a burdensome taskmaster. What if it doesn’t all get done? How can I maximize, multi-task, and get more done?? Well, maybe the things that I think are important, didn’t really need to get done today. Did I pray about my to-do list? And do I remain in prayer about my to-dos throughout the day? Am I letting God show me the way He wants me to go, or am I going full-speed ahead with my own plans? (Sigh…)

4. While I am “doing,” what are my children “doing?” The to-do list most assuredly does not help us with “being.” Instead, in my rush to do more and have the children cooperate with my plans, I can be irritable and get frustrated. Soon, everyone is speaking abruptly to one another and the atmosphere is far from peaceful. Or, maybe I am simply not investing enough in the children and in our relationships, and we do not experience the joy that God wants for our family.

I knew that today would be a busy day. There is suddenly a lot going on in the Carrier home, and much needs to be done. But in my early-morning time with the Lord, as I prepared my mental “to-do” list, I asked God for wisdom and continual guidance. I wanted my plans to be His plans so I could be sure that all the truly important “stuff” would be accomplished. And I developed a totally new To-Do list based on Proverbs 31, which would help me stay focused on both eternal and practical priorities. I think it will help me to be productive, yes, but also help my productivity be pleasing to God.

It’s all part of “pressing on.” 🙂