Convicted by my own words!

Have you ever had this happen to you? You correct one of your children, only to reflect back upon your own words and have God convict you of the very same thing? I think it’s ironic when that happens, and it has been happening to me a lot lately. Here are just a couple of examples:

Ya know, honey, everyone is working right now; could you try to do your job without grumbling?

Sweetheart, you’re doing the exact right thing with the exact wrong attitude.

Oh, and there have been a few more comments, which were very obviously pointing at ME as they came out of my mouth. I just can’t remember them all right now.

It’s a good reminder to me on two fronts:

  • I need to look in the mirror as I address my children’s character deficiencies. They don’t say “The apples don’t fall far from the tree” for nothin’. Granted, there are plenty of times when this doesn’t apply, but probably just as many when it does.

  • It is important to be authentic with our children. (I’ve talked about that before, but it’s worth repeating.) We can’t pretend with our kids; they know our weaknesses just as much as we know theirs. I like to be in the habit of offering sympathy when I am able–and I suppose I haven’t been as sympathetic lately as I could be. After all, which is nicer to say: “Ya know, honey, everyone is working right now; could you try to do your job without grumbling?” OR, “I suppose there are other things I’d rather be doing right now, too. And, yes, it is hot. BUT, I’m trying to praise God for the good things and remember to work as if working for the Lord. And you know, you can help me with that. If we all do our work quickly then we’ll be DONE–and maybe we can read some books together.”

What are you saying to your kids that God might be saying to you?