Our Kids aren’t Perfect…but, they’re (almost) Normal

Before I get to my thoughts, I want to remind you to comment for your chance to win a copy of Jill Savage’s “Real Moms, Real Jesus.” I’ll be closing comments later tonight. 🙂

Now, my thoughts…

Are you like me–do you sometimes (maybe too often?) wish that your kids were “perfect”? You know, like other people’s kids? Sometimes I think that if we’re doing it “right,” our kids are gonna look like the Duggars. Neat, clean, and even well-pressed; each one playing an instrument; great school routine; picture-perfect family relationships. I know that even THEY aren’t always like that, but that’s how they are in my head. Or what about Mike and Debi Pearl’s kids, when they were little? I can only imagine that if one of them jumped out of a half-rolled-down car window on command, they were pretty obedient. Although I would love to believe that my kids would do that, most days I’m not so sure. And frankly, having these thoughts in my head as comparisons gets me in trouble more often than I’d like to admit.

We all know that we shouldn’t compare ourselves to others. Unfortunately, it’s pretty hard “not” to, sometimes. And other times, it’s not the comparison factor that bothers me, it’s just the fact that MY life would be “easier” if my children were perfect. If they did everything I said, right when I said it, with a cheerful attitude, ALL THE TIME. I could actually keep going with my schedule and my plans–without those seemingly constant interruptions for encouragement, correction, discipline, and discipleship in the Word.

But having a picture-perfect life (even for my own convenience, which I admit is really appealing), has one problem–at least only one that I can see. The Bible tells us that it is through trials that we are made perfect in Christ. We mature through testing and draw closer to God in our imperfections. We become aware more and more of our need for His grace, we rely on His love, we look for His leading. In having those “perfect” kids that I sometimes want, I (and they) would miss out on “working out our salvation with fear and trembling.” (Sigh.) It’s worth it, isn’t it??

Last night we got together with a couple from our fellowship who have grandchildren slightly younger than our own kids. The husband made a comment that I’ve been thinking about all day…something like, our kids are just like their grandkids, and other kids in general. (I could only assume he was referring to…lots of energy, oftentimes loud, busy all the time, sometimes foolish…?) BUT with one difference–that when our kids are told to stop doing something, they stop. When they are asked to do something, they do it.

Sometimes “I” don’t see that. I feel like I’m more inconsistent than I’d like to be, and I suppose my expectations of my children are sometimes unrealistic. So it was nice to get a confirmation that we’re on the right track. And in the final analysis, I think I am glad that other people don’t see our kids as being “perfect.” ‘Cause if they were, I think we would all be missing out. I’m glad that we’re all “real people,” following Jesus together. And I’m glad today for His grace for those those times when none of us are “perfect.”