Summer Fun–Children and Chores?

A while back we touched on the topic of summer fun–because, of course, everyone wants some good ideas for filling that extra time, right?

Well, now, how about putting your kids to work? 🙂

A quick tip for a good way to spend some of your extra time with the kids this summer (if there is such a thing as “extra” time…): how about training your children on some new chores that a little more challenging for them? For example, since we have been on vacation, my seven year-old has gotten really good at making eggs for breakfast. We eat a lot of those–praise God for our chickens! 🙂 It is helpful for me, and I can tell that he enjoys the feeling of accomplishment in doing something that his big brother or Mom usually do. Likewise, my five year-old is making bottles for her baby brother and my three year-old is learning to vacuum. Giving the children new tasks encourages them to grow and be productive. It is a great benefit to the household and a big boost for their self-esteem as well, to be contributing members to the family.

With that, I’ve just posted every day this week. That is some kind of new record!