New Year’s Resolutions

Do your New Year’s resolutions only last ’till February? Yeah, mine, too. That’s why I usually don’t make them. This year, however, I’m going to cooperate with God in setting some goals and I do believe that the Holy Spirit will help me to make progress…and hopefully well past February. So here goes:

  • Complain Less. When those “big things” happen, like the washing machine pouring water all over the basement floor or a child falling out of the bunk bed and breaking her leg, usually there’s no time for complaining. And anyway, I typically can surrender those things to God because of course they happen in His Providence and for my good (Romans 8:28). However, it’s the “little things” that get me, and which I am prone to complain about. You know, like getting the wrong kind of juice for the coupon you planned on using and not wanting to go back and get it because the toddler is laying on the floor in the middle of the checkout line begging for water and the other children are starting to get glazed over looks based on how long you’ve already been in the store, and you just can’t believe they wouldn’t volunteer to send someone to get it for you.

    Ahem. Of course these are all just hypothetical situations. I do resolve (by the power of the Holy Spirit) to complain less this year, especially about those little things. “Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life.” (Philippians 2:14-16).

  • I also want to focus more on Scripture memory this year, for myself and for the children. We are supposed to wear “the belt of truth” and, in fact, our only defensive weapon against the “spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” is “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (see Ephesians 6). I believe that the time is coming that we will all need to be equipped to stand firm in the Truth, and Scripture memory may well be our anchor. Regardless, it is also important for our own personal spiritual growth.
  • I want to carve out more time in my schedule/routine for personal reading, Bible study and prayer. I tend to get too busy and I do crave to spend more time with the Lord growing in my relationship with Him. Sometimes my quiet times are more for the sake of “doing” them than for the purpose of “being” with the Lord, and my attitude about that is changing. I’m realizing that I need to be more flexible about some things so that I can prioritize time with God. I also want to encourage the children to do this.

What are your resolutions this year? Judging from our recent sales of Values-Driven Discipleship: Biblical Instruction and Character Training Manual, I would guess that many of you are hoping to get back on track in the discipleship of your children, making the Word of God a more constant presence in your training, encouragement, and correction.

As well, if you’re looking for an economical way to make progress with time and money management (budgets and schedules/routines) you might want to check out our Home Management Bundle, which is only $4.95. It includes chapter excerpts from The Values Driven Family on Budgets and Schedules, a “Home Management Nuts and Bolts” seminar, several planner pages, and a Microsoft Excel workbook budget tool. Here’s what a recent customer commented about this on our Facebook Fan Page:

“OK, I LOVE THIS PROGRAM! Love seeing the year at a glance and I must admit I am a nerd because I love the pie chart! Such a God-thing that you put this up today and I can’t wait to show hubby in the morning! He too is mourning the loss of our old system and wanting structure again! THANK YOU so much!!”

We are so thrilled to know that this tool is helping families to be better stewards of all that God has provided them!

Have a blessed New Year as you grow in the Lord!

48 thoughts on “New Year’s Resolutions

  1. I love all your resolutions and they fit me as well. I resolve to get up before anyone else gets up so that I can get those extra things done that help me start my day off right, especially Bible Study. But I have a ton of other resolutions that I'm working on just to improve me and who I am and how I can be a better person, wife, and mama to my 3 littles. I will be posting soon on my blog about my weight loss and my organization of my home/school and bettering my relationship with the Lord.


  2. Well,actually this is the first year in a long time that I resolved not to make any resolutions.That does not mean I don't have some wants or wishes,or need to do some work on myself.I just didn't set myself up to specifically do one or the other thing and just fail in the end. Thanks for the chance to win.

  3. I decided to focus on "more of, less than"
    Every year I have such an all or nothing mentality that nothing ever sticks that was a goal.
    This year, more of the good stuff like exercising because if feels good (not just time limits) and less of chocolate being my only food group 🙂
    yes, complaining less can me a more of thing for my new list. THanks, Christa Sterken

  4. Read the Bible daily, accomplish more in homeschooling by being more organized and not letting any exras – ballet, tennis, basketball etc get done unless we stay on track. You can catch up when you have 1 or 2 behind in school but 6-not gonna happen!

  5. My own New Year's resolution is to get our house organized for a stress-free environment. Well, for a [LESS] stress-free environment.

    Also, to read my Bible in one-year's time. I have been born again for three years now–It's time to grow and get serious with the Lord, especially in the days we live in. I am using a chronological bible-reading plan.

    Praying that everyone fulfills their resolutions! 🙂

    Thanks for all you do!!

  6. I want to have a more productive and personal time in the Word for myself. I seem to always have excuses and that gets shoved. I want to make it a priority and also keep a prayer and thoughts journal on what I am meditating on. I feel that it will help me to become and be more accountable.

  7. New Year's Resolution. Spend more meaningful, relaxed, fun time with my children. Enjoying life with them instead of rushing to get the next thing done. brianamy10 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  8. It isn't exactly a resolution, but my "word"/one thing to focus on for the year of 2010 is JESUS. Many other things distract me daily from Him and I hope to counter that a bit this year.

  9. my goal for this year is to find a place for us to live! lol seriously!
    i also want a calmer atmosphere in my home. we tend to be very loud, with 9 people and a "barking" cat in a small house.

  10. This year, I am NOT going to make a resolution to loose weight, it is to BE HEALTHIER, and to Accept what GOD sends my way.

  11. Get to bed earlier so I can get up earlier and have time with God so I can have peace and hear his voice better throughout the day. I figure this will solve every other issue I'd like to address!
    happymop at optonline dot net

  12. Along the same lines as complain less, I want to be more CHEERFUL, full of the Lord's joy. I don't want my children to always find me 'scowling' at them. Thank you!

  13. Wow, your resolutions would certainly fit me, too. One thing I'd have to add is just to be more careful of my morning time so that we can start school earlier and be more consistent in our schedule.

  14. my non-resolution is to feed my family in a healthier way. I just bought a grain mill and Bosch mixer – with #5 on the way I won't resolve to bake all our own bread but I will bake some & use more whole grains, veggies, etc. in my cooking/baking this year.

    my email:

  15. I'm striving to be more diligent (that's the SHORT version. lol) Specifically, I'm being called to:
    1. carve out more time with my Father earlier in the morning
    2. create a joyful, peaceful home with less money: menu planning, garden, canning, eek!
    3. improve child discipline (in the works!)
    4. honor others as better than myself.
    These have all been in my head… Now I'm realizing just how much I need to rely on God to do this through me. lol… Phew! Thank You, Father, for loving us & creating us anew!!!!

  16. One thing I want to focus on for this new year is to keep in mind that each day is a day created by The Creator – and to rejoice in that! I don't need to worry about what tomorrow will bring, because everything is in His hands.

    steele6 (at) att (dot) net

  17. I love Phil. 2:14-16. I need to remind myself of that every single day and when I catch one of my children complaining I realize I need to first be an example to them. Ah, it's hard!

    One of my resolutions is read 5 books this year. All are non-fiction and have been sitting in my house for too long without being touched. Also, I'm reading through the Bible this year. I found this great Bible that has the old and new testament as well as a proverb or psalm each day. I'm really enjoying it.

    My e-mail is
    Thank you.

    Anita A.

  18. My relotution is to spend more time "with" my family, not just "doing" for them. I feel like in all I am trying to do as a homeschooling mom is actually drawing me away from the relationship I so desire with my children.

  19. I am resolved to do what is necessary to destress my live. Homeschooling can be overwhelming with ages ranging from preschool to highschool and this year it has begun to take its toll. So, though I am not sure what that looks like exactly – I resolve to do things differently, somehow.

    reaching5678 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  20. We need to get our will updated. So much has changed and so much more to add. We need to make sure our children are taken care of and our wishes for them known.

  21. One of my New Year's Resolutions is to stay off computer more. Get into God's Word more.

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  22. In this New Year I want to get up and be ready for the day before my children. I want to be a happy godly mama to my children. Thank you for all your wonderful articles and encouragements. We are all blessed because of them.

  23. One of mine is to eat healthier and exercise … and it helps that my dh is working with me on this, instead of me doing it by myself LOL!

  24. What encouraging goals. In our home the focus is on living the great commission and the great commandment daily. May we look more "Christian" in 52 weeks!

  25. Those are great goals! One of mine is to really restrain myself when it comes to the words that come out of my mouth. I want to listen more and talk less and to try to not speak when I am angry.


  26. So far it is just taking each day as just that…a day at a time doing what tasks really need to be done, and what can be done. (Instead of worrying or not doing anything.) I like your resolutions too. May the Lord lead and guide each one of us to follow His lead in this New Year!
    🙂 Jody

  27. Planning to get back into exercise routine and ministering to my family more!
    Have been finally listening to your talks at the Ultimate Homeschooling Expo from the summer–what a blessing! The Lord bless your ministry!

  28. I plan to forgive myself this year. I can tell you that already I have seen blessings of peace when trying this out!

    God bless!

    luehmanns at hotmail dot com

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